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Friday, January 28, 2011

KUMIS KUCING (Orthosiphon Spicatus B.B.S.)

KUMIS KUCING  (Orthosiphon Spicatus B.B.S.)

Latin name : stamineus Orthosiphon Benth. 
Local name : Mustache ucing; mustache cat; Songot koceng; Remujung; Sesaseyan. 

Description of plant : 
Trunked plants wet, up to 1.5 m tall, oval-shaped leaves, white flowers like a cat's whiskers, the stem is square shaped and easy to break. 

Habitat : 
Grows wild in the fields, on the banks of the river and in places where the land is slightly damp to a height of 700 m above sea level, there is also planted as an ornamental plant.

The plant is used : All parts of plant 

Chemical Ingredients : 
Genkosid orthosifonin; Substance fat; Essential oils, fatty oils; Saponin; Sapofonin; potassium salt. 

Benefits : Anti-inflammatory; Diuretics, namely ;

Treat urinary disorder 
Cat's whiskers plant can be used as a drug urinary tract disorders, such as difficulty urinating, urination with pain (in the Java language called Anyang-anyangan) or kidney stones. 

How to make the medicine was fairly easy. 
You can just take or pick a few leaves cat whiskers, approximately 30 grams. Mix with meniran leaf, then both are boiled until the water is boiling. After that drinking boiled water had cat whiskers. 

Ortosifonin and salt content of potassium in the cat's whiskers are capable of dissolving phosphoric and oxalic acid in the body (bladder, kidney, and gallbladder), thus preventing the occurrence of precipitation in the kidney (kidney stones). 

Difficult urination 
Leaf fresh cat whiskers quarter handheld; Water 1 cup, Boiling up to get the liquid 1 / 2 cup, drink 2 times a day 1 / 2 cup. 

Cat whiskers leaves 20 strands; Sambiloto 20 strands; water 110 ml, Made infusion, Taken 1 times a day; 100 ml. 

Kidney stones 
6 g Herba cat's whiskers; Herba meniran 7 trees, water 110 ml, Made by infusion, drink 2 times a day, 100 ml. 

Treat high blood 
To treat the disease this one, simply prepare a cat's whiskers plant leaf is dried (dried).Brewed with hot water, such as making tea. 
Drinking water steeping it once a day to lower your high blood. 

If attacked by a fever, you can treat it with cat's whiskers plant. 
Prepare the root of cat's whiskers and wash it clean enough. 
Once the cat's whiskers plant roots boiled until water boils. 
Then let stand until cool, strain, and drinking water results of this stew. 

Treat vaginal discharge 
For those women who have vaginal discharge problems, need not be confused. 
You just drank the water leaves the cat whiskers to treat it. Substance tannins and saponins present in cat's whiskers powerful enough to treat vaginal discharge. 

Leaves 1 handful fresh cat's whiskers; papaya bark of 4 cm2; water 110 ml, Made by infusion, drink 1 time a day 100 ml 
Gynecology Mustache Cat.

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